Apply To Join The NATB

Membership in The NATB has its perks, apply now.

Apply for NATB Membership – Lysted Conference Exclusive Offer:
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Please be advised that this is an application only and is subject to the NATB review process.  Your eligibility to join the NATB will be based, in part, on the accuracy of the information supplied herein.  Notice of the application will be provided to NATB Members for comment.  You are not a Member until notified in writing and may not use the NATB logo or Membership privileges until that time. 

Company Information

Number of Years: 0
Business Address

Business Practices

Provide one current NATB Member that you do business with who is willing to sponsor you. If you cannot provide an NATB company, you can qualify by being in good standing with two marketplaces or exchanges that you do business with.

Exchanges or marketplaces your company does business with:

Agreements & Signatures

I afirm under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing information is true and correct. By submitting and executing this application I authorize NATB to contact any marketplace or exchange I have identified and inquire about me and my company and our history and status with each marketplace or exchange. Upon acceptance into membership in the NATB, I / We agree to be bound by and adhere to the NATB's Articles of Incorporation, Code of Ethics, Bylaws, Consumer Complaint Procedures, Resolutions, Regulations, Rules and Requirements. You will also be required to adopt, and be bound by, NATB's refund and cancellation policies, which may require more than your present policy. 

Clear Signature
Name #2
Clear Signature
Name #3
Clear Signature
Name #4
Clear Signature

Membership Options

Please select one of the following membership levels:
By Default Members Are Listed On The NATB Website, please check here if you DO NOT wish to be listed
Please List The Addresses Of Your Additional Locations

Payment Information

Payment Information must accompany application to be processed.  Payments can be made by check or by credit card.

If paying by check, please send the check to:

National Association of Ticket Brokers (NATB)
430 Palisade Avenue #501
Jersey City, NJ 07307

The National Association of Ticket Brokers